: Lifta Black

Lifta Black
نسبة الشهرة
8/10 نسبة الاستخدام
مبتدئ مشهور

بواسطة : Omaima Dajani

حقوق الملكية :Copyright (c) 2020 by ArabicType Ltd. All rights reserved. Licensed from ilovetypography.com ILT-220623-505b297

الشركة : Lifta is a trademark of ArabicType Ltd and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

منذ : 3 سنين

نوع الملف :otf

وزن الخط :Black

رابط المصمم :

LiftaBlack ليفته بلاك

تحميل مباشر

Lifta is a bold protest typeface available in black and stencil versions. Named after the Palestinian village Lifta that was destroyed in the 1948 occupation, it is a typeface that protests the erasure of Palestinian identity and the subjugation of their rights as they live under occupation. It is designed by Omaima Dajani who is from East Jerusalem and living under occupation today. Lifta supports the Arabic language and has proportional and tabular numerals.

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