: DINArabic Cond Thin

DINArabic Cond Thin
نسبة الشهرة
4/10 نسبة الاستخدام
مبتدئ مشهور

بواسطة : Albert-Jan Pool, Arabic extension by Yanone

حقوق الملكية :2015 published by Monotype GmbH

الشركة : FF is a trademark of Monotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. DIN is a trademark of Monotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

منذ : 4 سنين

نوع الملف :ttf

وزن الخط :Thin

رابط المصمم :http://www.fontfont.com/

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