او اهداء يمكنك استلام المخطوطات خلال اقل من خمسة ايام إطلب مخطوطتك
: Alvi Lahori Nastaleeq
4/10 نسبة الاستخدام
بواسطة : Amjad Hussain Alvi
حقوق الملكية :Copyright Amjad Hussain Alvi, Pakistan
الشركة : Alvi Nastaleeq is a trademark of Alvi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
منذ : 2 سنين
نوع الملف :ttf
وزن الخط :Regular
رابط المصمم :http://alvitechnologies.com
AlviLahoriNastaleeq الفي لاهوري ناستاليك
License Agreement
1. This product is can only be used for educational/research purpose , it cannot be sold in any form or used commercially. Sale of this product is prohibited.
2. This product cannot be modified, sublicensed, or distributed except with a written permission from the developer.
3. Also a written certificate of permission is required if this product or any of its components are to be used in a package. Contents of this product in part or whole cannot be copied orand used for any other development.
4. There is no warranty for this product. Also the production team is not liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the product.
All rights reserved. This font cannot be distributed, copied or used commercially in any manner.
This OpenType Urdu Nastaliq ligature/character based font is developed by Amjad Hussain Alvi, Alvi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
This OpenType Urdu Nastaliq ligature/character based font is developed by Amjad Hussain Alvi, Alvi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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